Note: APA Bibliographies are titled References. Reference lists are double spaced with hanging indents.
When citing a print book with one author:
Author Last, Author first initial. (date). Title of book. Publisher. DOI (if applicable)
Wei, H., & Horton-Deutsch, S. (2022). Visionary leadership in healthcare: Excellence in practice, policy, and ethics. Sigma Theta Tau International.
When Citing an Electronic/Online Book:
Author Last, Author first initial. (date). Title of book. [format (e.g. audiobook)]. Publisher. URL
Allard, B. L. (2019). Be inspired: A model for transforming care coordination with value-based healthcare. [ebook]. Sigma Theta Tau International.
When citing a journal article:
Author Last, Author first initial., & Author Last, Author first initial. (date). Title of article. Title of periodical, Volume(issue), Page numbers. DOI (if applicable)
Sogari, G., Velez-Argumedo, C., Gómez, M. I., & Mora, C. (2018). College students and eating habits: A study using an ecological model for healthy behavior. Nutrients, 10(12), 18-23.
When citing an online newspaper article:
Author Last, Author first initial. (Year, month date). Article Title. Publication Title. URL
Swarns, R. (2022, August 6). The search for a meaningful clue to the mystery of an enslaved ancestor. The New York Times.
Note: that this guide is meant for quick reference and by no means covers every citation need you may have. If you need more assistance, check our Writing and Citation Guides, and always feel free to get help.