All library materials may be checked out by anyone with a valid ETSU ID or a guest card. Self-check kiosks are located on each floor of the library, and materials can also be checked out at the Ask Us desk on the first floor of the library.
To renew a book, visit or call the Ask Us desk at (423) 439-4307. Materials may also be renewed digitally, by logging onto OneSearch with your ETSU credentials.
To return materials during open hours, visit the Ask Us desk. Additionally, the book drop is always open, and materials may be returned there. If you are a distance education student looking to return your items by mail, you may do so by using this mailing address:
Sherrod Library
AskUs Desk
ETSU PO Box 70665
Johnson City, TN 37614
If you have a specific question not answered above, please contact the Ask Us Desk at 423-439-4303 or