CSE style may be used for in-text citations in three different formats. These are: citation-sequence, name-year, and citation-name. The manner in which which you choose to cite in-text will determine how you format your reference list. While each format will look mostly the same in that list, name-year is the exception for formatting. and will place the date element in a different location.
For example, referencing a journal article in name-year will look like this:
Author(s). Date. Article title. Journal title. Volume(issue):location.
While referencing a journal article in citation-sequence or citation-name will look like this:
Author(s). Article title. Journal title. Date;volume(issue):location.
In the case of all three CSE variations, the order in which references are listed, differs. Name-year lists references alphabetically by author name, and chronologically, if there are references to multiple works by the same author. This system does not number references while the other two variations do. Citation-sequence lists references in the order they appear in the paper. Citation-name lists references alphabetically. Both Citation-sequence and citation-name number each reference.
For a CSE quick guide, check out the official CSE page.