Q: Need help with Chicago style?
Note: Chicago style citations come in two variations, Notes and Bibliography or Author/Date. If you are unsure of what variation you are meant to use, check with your instructor, or review other academic work in your discipline to see what the standard is.
Note: This quick guide is on the Notes and Bibliography variation. To get to Author/Date, click here.
Using the Notes and Bibliography variation in-text:
Note: When creating a footnote in Word on PC use CTRL-ALT-F. On Mac, use Command-Option-F
To cite a book in-text for the first time:
1. First Name Last Name, Title (Publisher city: Publisher, year), page (or page range) being cited.
2. Juan Gonzalez, Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America (New York: Penguin Group, 2011), 232.
To cite an ebook in-text for the first time:
3. First Name Last Name, Title (Publisher city: Publisher, year), page (or page range) being cited, URL or Database retrieved from.
4. Neema Avashia, Another Appalachia: Coming up Queer and Indian in a Mountain Place (Morgantown: West Virginia University Press, 2022), 46,
To cite a journal article in-text for the first time:
5. First Name Last Name, "Article Title," Journal Name Volume, no. # (#=issue) (Month year): Page number/range, DOI/Database accessed from
6. Visa Immonen, Janne Harjula, Mia Lempiäinen-Avci, Ilkka Leskelä, Elina Räsänen, and Katri Vuola. “The Life of Wood in North-Eastern Europe in AD 1100–1600.” Antiquity 94, no. 378 (December 2020): 35, doi:10.15184/aqy.2020.209.
After you have cited a resource once, additional citations for that same resource may be made in shortened form.
Shortened notes for books/ebooks:
7. Last name, Title, page/page range
Shortened notes for articles:
8. Last name, "Title," page/page range
Using the Notes and Bibliography variation in your reference list
Note: This section is titled "Bibliography" in centered, plain text. Citations are listed alphabetically by author and formatted with hanging indents.
Referencing a book:
Author Last, Author First. Title. Publication City: Publisher, year.
Gonzales, Juan. Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America. New York: Penguin Group, 2011.
Referencing an ebook:
Author Last, Author First. Title. Publication City: Publisher, year. Database or URL
Avashia, Neema. Another Appalachia: Coming up Queer and Indian in a Mountain Place. Morgantown: West Virginia University Press, 2022.
Referencing a journal article:
Last Name, First. "Article Title." Journal title Volume, no. # (#=issue) (month year): Page numbers where cited article appears. Database retrieved or DOI
Frank, Andrew K. "Modern by Tradition: Seminole Innovation in the Contemporary South." Native South 10, (2017): 76-95. Proquest.
Note: that this guide is meant for quick reference and by no means covers every citation need you may have. If you need more assistance, check our Writing and Citation Guides, and always feel free to get help.